This section in Socinator tools settings is responsible to handle the methods how software will find the users/post etc to interact with them.

There are below properties of a search query in Socinator.

  1. Query Type:- This is the dropdown with the type of search queries available for respective networks. Like above image shows the available search queries for Reddit as Keywords and CustomUrl. Thus while performing actions like follow, scraping users, etc software will check the query type and find users accordingly.
  2. Query Value :- This is the input field to enter the value of the query. Like if Keywords is selected in query type, then the keyword has to be entered in query value.  As seen in the above image, "insta" has been saved as a query value. Thus while performing actions like follow, scraping users, etc software will find the users after performing a search with keyword "insta". (Note: if you want to enter multiple query values for single query types, then you can add them separated by comma from this field.
  3. Queries List:- It shows the list of queries added.

Other options:

  • Import Queries:- Queries can also be imported from txt or csv file by clicking this button.

  • Add Queries To This List:- Click on this button to add queries to the queries list.

  • Delete:- Click on this button to delete the query from the queries list.