In this article we will learn how to add single account in Socinator, so you can start activities as soon as possible.

Step 1)  To add single accounts in Socinator, you need to visit:  Accounts Manager.

On this screen you will find :- Add Single Account, Import Multiple-Account.

Step 2) Click on "Add Single Account"

To add your single account you need to click on button "Add Single Account". Once clicked a modal window will open where you need to fill in the required information about your accounts.

You need to click on Show advance option, after that you will get other option to fill your proxy details.

Step 3) Fill accounts details

On add account form fill in the details like below:

Social Network: You need to select first your network from the drop down list.

Suppose need to upload Facebook account , then need to select Facebook network.

  • Group Name: Socinator comes with an option for accounts group for ease of access throughout the software. You can define the group name you want your account to be added in.
    • Eg: You are using 10 accounts from your list of 100 to target "Facebook Marketing" niche. You can set group name as "Facebook Marketing" which can later be used to filtration of accounts while creating campaigns for friend requests, accounts farming etc.
    • Note: If you leave this field blank, Socinator  will take your account as "Ungrouped" and same will be displayed in accounts manager table.
  • Email ID: Registered email of your Facebook account to access Facebook.
  • Password: Password required to login to your Facebook account.
    • Eg: Whatever you have set :)

If you are using your accounts with proxies, you need to fill details in below fields to make sure that Socinator log into your account with IP your were using to access them.

  • Proxy Address: IP of your proxy
    • Eg:
  • Proxy Port: Port of your proxy
    • Eg.: 8080
  • Proxy Username: In case you are using private proxies, you will be provided with username and password. Fill username associated with your proxy here
    • Eg: proxyusename
  • Proxy Password: Password associated with your proxy.
  • Eg: Must have been provided by your proxy provided.

Step 4) Submit data

  • Save Account: If you are sure you filled correct details in above form, click on save button to add your account to Socinator.
  • Close: If you want to cancel adding account to Socinator, click on this button.


If you have saved account, proceed to next step.


Step 5) Check account status

Once you saved your account details to add into Socinator, wait for a moment on accounts manager screen to check if Socinator is able to login with your account details.

  • Success: If you are seeing this status that means you have filled all details correctly and your accounts is not blocked by Facebook. Cheers!
  • Failed: If you are seeing this status, you need to make sure that you filled all details correctly, you can check by editing the account. If all details are filled correctly, you can right click on account to login with browser to find out if your account needs to pass any security measure to get inside.

We hope you have learned how to add single account in Socinator. If you want to add multiple accounts via CSV or Text File, check our tutorial here. Getting trouble in adding accounts contact support.