Socinator gives you an ability to search the Instagram user with different query type.

Below are the available users queries for Instagram in Socinator.


  • Keywords:- With this query type, software searches for users from instagram  with the entered keywords , and get the users who are related to given keyword.


Suggested Users:-With this query type, software searches for users from instagram  for the suggested users of given username .

Hashtag users:- With this query type, software will do action  the users who used specific hashtag in their posts then select "Hash Tag Users" and enter the hash tag word in the box, it will do action those users who used Hash Tag in their posts. Here you need provide only HashTag name without '#'.


Someone's Followers:-  With this query type, software will do  action followers of any user then select "Someone's Followers" as your source and enter the username which you want to action the user followers of.

Someone's Following:-With this query type, software will  action followings of any user then select "Someone's Following" as your source and enter the username which you want to follow the user followings of.

Followers of Someone's Followers:- With this query type, software will  follow the followers of specific user follower  you put in this source.



 Note :- Here not possible to show screenshot of followers of some one follower , so in this screenshot we have shown you user followers then it will go for each follower's followers and will follow them 

Followers of Someone's Following:- With this query type, software will  follow the followers of specific users following you put in this source.

 Note :- Here not possible to show screenshot of followers of some one following , so in this screenshot we have shown you user following then it will go for each following's followers and will follow them .

Location  Users:- With this query type, software will  follow the users based on location ID you provide as source.


Custom Users:- Use this source to follow users those user name you have given to software.

Note:- Each instagram username comes under custom user

Users who liked posts:- As you are looking to follow the users who liked post then select "Users who liked posts" then you need to provide the Post ID in the box, it will follow all those users who have liked the post.

Users who commented on posts:-  As you are looking to follow the users who commented on post then select "Users who commented on posts" then you need to provide the Post ID in the box, it will follow all those users who have commented on the post.