Socinator gives you an ability to search the Facebook fanpages with different query type.

Below are the available fanpage queries for Facebook in Socinator.

  • Keywords :- With this query type, software searches for users with the entered keywords, and get the page who are matching with them.

Software will search according to your given query as shown in below screenshot:

  • Graph Search Url :- With this query type, software searches for users with the searched and get the page who are showing with that search .You need to put only searched urls.

Software will search according to your given query as shown in below screenshot:

Custom Page Url :- With this query type, software searches for users with the entered any page url, so software will like that particular page.

Page Liked By friends:- If you select this query type, software will search for users who have liked the selected Facebook page and most likely to become your fan. Under Query section you have the option to add URL of friend-profile URL