This Socinator feature helps to automate Enable Automatic Hashtag, Delete Post in the mentioned hours range and Enable Dynamic Hashtags on Twitter. 

Enable Automatic Hashtags: 

  • Hash By Keyword: If this option is checked, Socinator will perform action of mentioning hashtags in front of matching words present in the post and given in the text area box of Hash By Keyword.
  • Hash By Minimum Word Length: If this option is checked, Socinator will perform action of mentioning hashtags in front of  words matching the length as mentioned by the user.

  • Delete The Post After X to X/Y Hours: If this option is checked, Socinator will perform action of deleting post within the mentioned hours interval.

  • Enable Dynamic Hashtags: If this option is checked, Socinator will perform action of dynamically mentioning hashtags in front of matching words of the post and the mentioned words by the user.
    Note:- Number of dynamic Hashtags mentioned will also depend on number of max Hashtags per post,and percentage given for the two text area box.