Socinator gives you an ability to filter the communities based on your required filters so that your accounts interact with only the specifically targeted communities.

Below are the available community filters for Reddit.

  • Should be NSFW Community - If this filter is checked, Socinator will perform actions only with the communities which are NSFW.

  • Should be Quarantined Community - If this filter is checked, Socinator will perform actions only with the Communities which are quarantined.

  • User should be a subscriber - If this filter is checked, Socinator will perform actions only with those users who is a subscriber of that community.

  • Should show media - If this filter is checked, Socinator will perform actions only with those communities where media is available.

  • Should have emojis enabled - If this filter is checked, Socinator will perform actions only with those communities where emojis are enabled.

  • Should have Original tag enabled - If this filter is checked, Socinator will perform actions only with the communities which are marked as original content.

  • Should support Original content - If this filter is checked, Socinator will perform actions only with the posts which are marked as original content.

  • Should have subscribers count in specific range X to Y - If this filter is checked, Socinator will perform actions only with the communities which are having subscribers count in a specific range.

  • Should have WLS count in a specific range X to Y - If this filter is checked, Socinator will perform actions only with the communities which are having WLS count in a specific range.