Socinator gives you the ability to search the Quora user with different query types.

Below are the available user queries for Quora in Socinator.

Keywords:- With this query type, software searches for users from Quora with the entered keywords, and get the scrapes users who are related to a given keyword.



Someone’s followers - With this query type, the software will scrape followers of any user then select "Someone's Followers" as your source and enter the username of which you want to follow the user followers 



Someone's Following:-With this query type, the software will scrape the followings of any user then select "Someone's Following" as your source and enter the username of which you want to follow the user followings.


Followers of Someone's Following:- With this query type, the software will scrape the followers of specific users following you put in this source.

Followers of Someone's Followers:- With this query type, the software will scrape the followers of the specific user follower you put in this source.

Custom Users list:- Use this source to follow users whose user names you have given to the software.

Engaged Users:-With this query type, the software will scrape Engaged Users of Question