This Socinator feature allows to automate unsubscribe communities on Reddit. It allows to perform the action on configured time.

To start automating unsubscribe activity on Reddit with Socinator below settings needs to be configured:

  1. UnSubscribe Source
    1. Communities subscribed by software :- If this option is selected, Socinator will only unsubscribe those communities which has been subscribed by Socinator.
    2. Communities subscribe outside the software :- If this option is selected, Socinator will only unsubscribe those communities which has been subscribed outside the Socinator.
    3. Custom Community list:- If this option is selected, Socinator will only unsubscribe the list of communities entered even if they have been subscribed outside Socinator.
  2. Source Filter
    1. Community should have been followed before xx days and yy hours. :- If this option is selected, Socinator will filter the communities based on time when they have been subscribed through Socinator. (Note: This option does not work for Custom Community List, as there is possibility that the user in the list entered might have got followed outside Socinator, and the Software cannot track when they were actually subscribed.
  3. Job Configuration
    1. Learn how to set job configuration.

  4. Community Filters
    1. Learn more about available community filters to auto unsubscribe communities on Reddit.

Once configured, the settings needs to be saved and applied to the required accounts. Learn how to apply the configuration settings to accounts.

As soon as the settings are configured, the software will start performing the unfollow action on the next available time slot.

You can check the unfollows which are getting performed in the logger. Also you can get the full detailed report with all the unfollowed users for individual accounts and campaigns. Learn how to view reports of performed activities in Socinator.