This Socinator feature helps to automate welcome tweet on Twitter. It allows to tag the new followers for welcome tweet on configured time.

To start automating welcome tweet activity on Twitter with Socinator below settings needs to be configured:

1.You need to type the tweet message in the above welcome tweet box and if you want to tag your follower in your tweet message then follow the same above format shown in welcome tweet box.

2.Job Configuration

1Learn how to set job configuration.

4.User Filters

Learn more about available user filters to auto welcome tweet on Twitter.

5.Manage Blacklisted Users

  1. Learn more about how to manage blacklisted users.
    Once configured, the settings needs to be saved and applied to the required accounts. Learn how to apply the configuration settings to accounts.

    As soon as the settings are configured, the software will start performing the follow action on the next available time slot.

    You can check the follow activity which is getting performed in the logger. Also you can get the full detailed report with all the followed users for individual accounts and campaigns.Learn how to view reports of performed activities in Socinator.